The REACH Foundation has released a new Request for Proposal (RFP) within the foundation’s Strong Safety Net outcome investment area to support projects within the strategy: “Connecting health care consumers, providers and services to reduce the gap between consumer need and health care.”
This RFP builds on two prior years of investments in safety net organizations within the REACH service area that have been utilizing care connectors and other types of navigators to assist uninsured and medically under-served consumers. Those investments have helped REACH and our grantee partners explore how care coordination, patient navigation and other connector services can facilitate improved health care access and quality for underserved populations, as well as reduce health disparities that occur due to lack of understanding of health care systems, language and cultural barriers, health literacy and trust issues and other concerns that prevent some consumers from seeking care.
The Strong Safety Net: Care Connections RFP seeks proposals from safety net organizations that are utilizing community health workers, engagement specialists, care coordinators, healthcare navigators, mental health engagement specialists, promotoras and other forms of patient support designed to connect uninsured and underinsured consumers to accessible, affordable, quality health care services.
The foundation’s current strategic plan and Theory of Change place a priority on improving access to quality health care for disconnected and marginalized populations with a particular emphasis on addressing the health concerns of homeless, refugee, migrant and undocumented immigrant persons, and youth transitioning out of foster care. Along with these priority populations, proposals will be considered from organizations that demonstrate expertise with, and service to, rural and urban uninsured persons and those living in remote or high-poverty communities. The foundation will award up to 10 grants within this RFP.
Review the Care Connections RFP for an explanation of the proposal requirements, eligibility criteria and the application process. Applicants are asked to describe how their organization’s care connector project will address barriers and improve outcomes as outlined in the Care Connections Theory of Change. The link to the application form can be found in the RFP. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, February 7, 2018 by 4:00 p.m.