Outcome Area

Strengthen the Safety Net

The Focus

Strengthen the healthcare safety net and expand its capacity to provide quality, whole-person care.

What Happens Without a Healthcare Safety Net?

Without a safety net, people lack access to whole-person and trauma-informed care, especially in underserved and marginalized communities. This leads to untreated illnesses and chronic conditions that could have been managed or prevented with timely intervention. Communities with no safety net experience poor health outcomes, higher mortality rates, and diminished quality of life.

Ultimately, the absence of a healthcare safety net creates a ripple effect, affecting not just the individuals without access to care but also their families, communities, and the overall societal fabric. Addressing these gaps is crucial to fostering healthier, more equitable communities where everyone can thrive.

Our Strategies
Related Grants

Core Partner Grants

As part of REACH’s initiative to improve the healthcare safety net, we awarded $1.5 million in grants across 30 organizations that align with our core values in 2022. By supporting these organizations, we will improve healthcare access and health equity to underserved communities and populations.

Cass County Dental Clinic

In 2020, the REACH Healthcare Foundation awarded the Cass Community Foundation a total of $100,000 in core operating support and COVID-19 Emergency Assistance funding, thereby improving the safety net for oral care.

Strengthen the Safety Net
Bridge the Coverage Divide

REACH’s Community Investment Framework

The REACH Healthcare Foundation channels its community investments into three primary outcome areas focused on achieving equitable health by eliminating barriers to health coverage and care. These outcomes are driven by a strategic framework that guides our work, partnerships, and investment choices.

We emphasize addressing the health access and care needs of consistently underserved populations, including immigrants, refugees, youth transitioning out of foster care, and homeless youth and adults. Our outcomes, strategies and focus on these priority populations form the foundation of our strategic plan.

Our Target

Protect the gains made in lowering the uninsured rate by county and continue to decrease the uninsured rate.

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