Andrea Perdomo-Morales is a dedicated social work professional with over two decades of experience in improving the lives of under-resourced and underserved populations. Born in Guatemala, she currently resides in Wyandotte County, Kansas. As a proud First-Generation Latina and the first college graduate in her family, she holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work from the University of Kansas.
Her career reflects her commitment to working with diverse groups and fostering collaboration to create meaningful change. She most recently served as Chief Health Equity Officer for Vibrant Health, a federally qualified health center headquartered in Wyandotte County. During her tenure, she led the behavioral health, community health worker, outreach, and school-based programs.
Her passion for advancing health equity has led to her deep engagement in community initiatives, including her work with the Communities Concerned for Immigrants and Refugees (CCIR) network (a program funded by the REACH Healthcare Foundation), where she has served as the co-chair and health advisor for the past six years. She also serves on the Kansas Behavioral Health Sciences Regulatory Board, completed the Emerging Leaders program sponsored by the Central Exchange, and is an alumna of the Centurions Leadership Program.
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